Philadelphia, December. 28 /PRnewswire Firstcallxx/ — today, the following four Delaware invest.ents xSt.xdtische incomes funds, all Closedendemanagement invest.ent companxxies, explains their monthly incomes dividends: Delaware invest.ents Arizona xSt.xdtisches income fund, Inc., Delaware invest.ents Colorado Insured xSt.xdtisches income fund, Inc. (to ixSt.renamxed Delaware invest.ents Colorado xSt.xdtisches income fund, Inc. on January 2, 2008), Delaware invest.ents national xSt.xdtisches income fund (formerly Delaware invest.ents Florida Insured xSt.xdtisches income fund) and Delaware invest.ents Minnesota xSt.xdtisches income fund II, Inc. (together, the “funds”). the invest.ent, that objective of everyone fund to ixSt.x liefern current the income, that of federal the EinkommensxSt.xuer and the of personal the EinkommensxSt.xuer of its state ausgenommen ixSt.x wenn any, consistent with the preservation of capital. In additionxx everyone verwendet fund admission von outside fund techniques in an the Versuch to obtain higher returnxx for the fund. the following datexxs wenden announcement dividend to todays an:
Declaration datexx: 12/28/x2007x ex-datexx-datexx: 1/9/2008 record datexx: 1/11/2008 zahlBares datexx: 1/25/2008
the dividend dixSt.ibutionxs are as follows:
funD dividend per anteil
Delaware invest.ents Arizona xSt.xdtisches income fund, Inc. (ASE: VAZ)(2) $0.050000
Delaware invest.ents Colorado Insured xSt.xdtisches income fund, Inc. (to ixSt.renamxed Delaware invest.ents Colorado xSt.xdtisches income fund, Inc.. on January 2, 2008) (ASE: VCF)(3) $0.060000
Delaware invest.ents national xSt.xdtisches income fund (ASE: VFL) $0.052500
Delaware invest.ents Minnesota xSt.xdtisches income fund II, Inc. (ASE: VMM)(4) $0.055000
(1) are the dividends von federal the EinkommensxSt.xuer ausgenommen. (2) ixSt.xthe dividend Arizona state von personal the EinkommensxSt.xuer ausgenommen. (3) ixSt.xthe dividend Colorado state von personal the EinkommensxSt.xuer ausgenommen. (4) ixSt.xthe dividend Minnesota state von personal the EinkommensxSt.xuer ausgenommen.
aboutxx Delaware invest.ents: Delaware invest.ents, an affiliate of Lincoln Financial Group, ixSt.xein Philadelphia based varied wert management firm with more thanxx $167 Billxionx in assets under management as of September 30, x2007x. throughxx broad a range of managed accounts and portfolios, mutual funds, Ruhestand accounts, Vor advised funds and other invest.ent products, Delaware invest.ents to the Verfuegung stellt invest.ent services to individual investors and to inxSt.tutionxal investors such as privatexx and public pension funds, foundations, and AusxSt.xttung funds. Delaware invest.ents ixSt.xthe marketing name for Delaware Management holdxxings, Inc. and its tochtergesellschaften. For more information on Delaware invest.ents, visit the company am Lincoln Financial Group ixSt.xthe marketing name for Lincoln national Corporation and its affiliates. For more information on Lincoln Financial Group, visit
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